Marie Loughlin, PhD

Associate Professor

English, English and Cultural Studies
Office: CCS 340
Phone: 250.807.9330

Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary

16th-century poetry and prose; early modern women’s writing; early modern drama; women’s literature; 16th and 17th-century literature; spiritual autobiography; speculative fiction; feminist and queer theory.

Courses & Teaching

English, composition and literary genre, popular literature (J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy, Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ narratives, women’s science fiction, and contemporary myth,


Educated at McMaster University (B.A. hons., 1985) and Queen’s University (M.A., 1986; PhD., 1992), I have been engaged in university teaching since 1993: at Okanagan University College (1993-95, 1998-2005), at the University of Calgary (1995-98), and since 2005 at UBC-Okanagan.    


B.A. English (Hons.), McMaster University, M.A. English, Queen's University,
Ph.D. English, Queen's University

Selected Publications & Presentations


Figures of Descent: Genealogy and the Early Modern Woman Writer, c. 1580 – 1700. Contracted with Routledge. Manuscript submission date: 30 Sept 2019.

Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England, 1550-1735: An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts. Edited, introduced, and annotated by Marie H. Loughlin. Manchester UP, 2014. pp. 590.

The Broadview Anthology of Sixteenth-Century Poetry and Prose. Edited with Sandra Bell and Patricia Brace. Broadview P, 2012. pp. 1,297. [Role: Senior Editor]

Hymeneutics: Interpreting Virginity on the Early Modern Stage. Bucknell UP, 1997. pp. 225.

Articles and Chapters:

“Tolkien’s Things: Marvellous Objects in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.” Revised and
resubmitted in keeping with readers’ reports to Tolkien Studies, Oct., 2018. (12,000

“Tolkien’s and Jackson’s Queer Worlds.” The Hobbit in Fiction and Film. Ed. Janice M. Bogstad. McFarland, forthcoming, Fall 2019. (8,500 words)

“‘Touching the Ground of Truth’: An Collins and Sectarian Spiritual Autobiography.” An Collins and the Historical Imagination. Ed. W. Scott Howard. Ashgate P, 2014. 279-303.

“‘Fast ti’d unto them in a golden Chaine’: Typology, Apocalypse, and Woman’s Genealogy in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum.” Renaissance Quarterly 53.1 (Spring 2000): 133-179.

“Cross-dressing and the Erotics of Dismemberment in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster.” Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Reforme 21.2 (1997): 23-44.

“‘Love’s Friend and Stranger to Virginitie’: The Politics of the Virginal Body in Ben Jonson’s
Hymenaei and Thomas Campion’s The Lord Hay’s Masque.” ELH: English Literary History
63.4 (1996): 833 49.

Selected Grants & Awards

Internal grants, 1999-2016: For research on early modern women’s writing; and for research on British women’s post-WWII travel writing

SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 1997-2000: “Women Writing Virginity, 1590-1700”

Awards & Distinctions

2016 Teaching Honour Roll Award, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus

2014 FCCS Service Award: Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, University of British Columbia-Okanagan.

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees

Associate member, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Program, UBC-Okanagan.

Member, Modern Languages Association

Member, Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies

Graduate Supervisions

Dana Penney, M.A. English, 2018–. Thesis Research: “Rey, Nebula, Gamora, and Wonder Woman: The Woman Warrior, Bodies, Subjectivity and Gender in Popular Culture and Society.”

Ashley Cail, M.A. English, 2014. IRP Research: “‘Behold and See’: An Analysis of Gender Constructions in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra”

Danielle Wilgan, M.A. English, 2011. IRP Research: “Intersecting Romance, Conduct, and Exemplarity: Britomart and Book III of Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene.”

Undergraduate Honours Supervisions

Melanie Oberg, Honours English Thesis, 2015: “The Aesthetics and Politics of the Early Modern Garden in Jonson, Lanyer, and Milton.”


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